Rain water entering a home from underneath the house, can ruin floors and create mold
Do you see water sitting around the foundation of your home after a Florida rain? Florida rain water can soak the ground and flow underneath a house or building. Concrete is a giant sponge under a house and soaks up water allowing it to enter the inside of your home and ruin wood floors, carpet and walls and create mold. Are you seeing different color concrete in the garage or water underneath a sheet of plastic on the concrete floor? This indicates water coming up thru the slab. Another indication of water seeping up thru the slab into your home is to look at the grout lines between tile. Do you see a salt like material or white substance in the grout lines. This indicates water below trying to come up thru the tile. Are the wood floors discoloring or becoming delaminated. Mold along walls near the floor are more signs of water inside the home.
Southern Drainage Systems has designed a Drainage System to stop water from flowing under the building and eliminates water inside houses. Our Drainage Systems designs and installation work. We have hundreds of home owners who live and go on vacation worry free.