Southern Drainage Systems Florida designed and engineered drainage and erosion prevention systems are time tested and proven to last decades.
- Seawalls and Retaining Walls – Often seen along tidal waterways, ponds and lakes. Made from corrosion resistant vinyl and composite materials. Our seawalls are driven and or jetted deep into the earth and secured with tie back anchors. Boardwalk style marine grade wood caps or concrete are commonly used on top of the wall. Sheetpile walls have a life span over 50 years. We provide you a written guarantee 0f 15 years.
- Concrete/Stone Walls – Concrete cut to look like stone is stacked with each row recessed slightly and anchored into earth. The key is building a proper foundation and wall anchors into earth. These walls look good and have a long life span.
- Boulders (Rip Rap) Limestone
Another type of retaining wall used in tidal areas is limestone boulders. The boulders are set in place to create a barrier between land and water. - Gabeons – Cages filled with stone then placed to create a retaining wall. Often used along rivers, streams, and banks.
- Concrete Mats and Geo-grid – Installed along river and stream banks to prevent erosion.
- Erosion Fabric – A bio-degradable rolled fabric that prevents erosion.